Find CO2 leaks!

Fast – Save – Efficient

CO2 Sensitive Camera – Gas System Inspection

  • We inspect your gas infrastructure for CO2 leakages


  • Visualize CO2 – with the CO2 camera GF 343 from FLIR


  • You get a report including photographs and marked leakages


  • Leakage detection significant faster and more precise than with conventional gas detectors

The usage of CO2 in the industry is common, in the beverage and food industry, the usage as refrigerant or freeze agent, at the fire and explosion protection, in the plastic and steel production or in the oil and gas industry, CO2 finds applications in a lot of sectors.

SYSWE supports you with the CO2 camera FLIR GF 343 with the inspection of your systems for gas tightness.

Contact us and we can discuss the possibilities of application of the CO2 camera in your company!

In these sectors we can support you with the CO2 camera:

Gas transport

  • We check all gas-conveying lines or systems for leakages

Gas storage

  • We check gas storages for possible carbon dioxide leakages

Blast furnaces

  • We check blast furnaces in the steel industry for loss of furnace gas

The advantages of leakage detection with CO2 camera

For you as plant operator the periodic inspection for gas leakages by SYSWE has differnt benefits:

  • Increase of efficiency of the gas system by detection of losses within the plant
  • Increase of plant reliability and a prevention of labour- and cost-intensive system failures
  • More safety for human and environment by prevention of gas emissions
  • Leakage detection in real time

CO2 gas camera system for gas detection

The camera of the type FLIR GF 343 serves the optical detection of carbon dioxide, that occurs in a lot of industrial processes. Also gases including only proportional carbon dioxide are detectable with the CO2 camera. So it is possible to detect also furnace gases with a CO2 amount of about 20 to 25%.

CO2 camera
CO2 camera

CO2 emissions with CO2 sensitive camera at a vehicle

CO2 emissions depending on different radiation backgrounds

Detection of furnace gas emissions with CO2 sensitive camera at blast furnaces

CO2 emissions with CO2 sensitive camera at steam turbine power plant

Your contact

Stephan Neitzel
Stephan Neitzel

Tel.: +49 4222 - 805 805 0

Your message to us